
You use all script code and components from this site at your own risk. I will not liable, under any circumstance, for any damage that could arise from the use of any component downloaded from this site.

The example Batch programs and EXE files may be used for personal or commercial purposes. No payment or attribution is required for either use. The components may be redistributed if they are required as support files for scripts that you have written. Also, the script code may be used freely, in part or as whole scripts, for any purpose, personal or commercial, without payment or attribution.

I only ask that you do not redistribute these scripts and components, except as required for your direct use. Instead, please direct others to obtain copies of these scripts and components directly from the same site you downloaded they.

Also, no one of the code here may be redistributed under another license. If a work using code from this site is distributed with restrictions of any kind, the code from this site must be kept exempt from those restrictions. This include, but is not limited to, code sold for profit, code with usage restrictions and code distributed as so-called "Open Source" with redistribution restrictions.

You may also use the components in several computers in an organization as long as you do NOT receive any amount of money for the use of such components. In this case it is recommended to register your copy of the components (see below), but this is not required.

The only restriction at this respect is that you can not modify in any way anyone of the source code written in assembly language downloaded from this site and distribute the resulting EXE executable file to other people. You must request a written permission in advance in order to do so.

Make a donation / Be a registered user

If you think that the components included in this site are useful and you consider that its development deserve some kind of recognition, you may make a donation (I really appreciate it :).

In response for such a recognition, I will maintain a list of these registered users in order to provide they with some benefits. For example, if an enough number of registered user request it, I could provide the source code of some of my assembler programs. Also, I could provide to registered users technical advice related to this topic (Batch/JScript/assembler Windows console applications), and even develop a complete program in JScript or assembler under certain specifications as long as the requested application be similar to the rest of my developments: a small program designed to be used as auxiliary general-use program in a Batch .bat file.

I may also use the registered users list to send they a preliminary version of a new in-development program, so they may test it and suggest modifications.

The suggested donation amount is $10 US dollars, but you may donate any amount you wish. If you use the components in several computers, it is suggested to adjust the amount accordingly...

Thanks a lot for your kindly support! :)
